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Ansiedad y Estres : Impact Factor & More

eISSN: 2174-0437pISSN: 1134-7937

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Aims and Scope

Ansiedad y Estrés (Anxiety & Stress) is a biannual psychology, medicine, neuroscience and social science magazine dedicated to the study of anxiety, stress and other emotions. It is a body that provides a voice for the Sociedad Española para el Estudio de la Ansiedad y Estrés (SEAS) - Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress. It is a multidisciplinary magazine that publishes theoretical and experimental work focusing on anxiety, stress and other emotions from the diverse subject areas of psychology, medicine and related sciences Less

Ansiedad y Estres Key Metrics

Q3Social Psychology

Ansiedad y Estres Journal Specifications

Language Spanish
Frequency Semi-annual
General Details
Publication Start Year1994
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FAQs on Ansiedad y Estres

How long has Ansiedad y Estres been actively publishing? Faqs

Ansiedad y Estres has been in operation since 1994 till date.

What is the publishing frequency of Ansiedad y Estres? Faqs

Ansiedad y Estres published with a Semi-annual frequency.

How many articles did Ansiedad y Estres publish last year? Faqs

In 2023, Ansiedad y Estres publsihed 22 articles.

What is the eISSN & pISSN for Ansiedad y Estres? Faqs

For Ansiedad y Estres, eISSN is 2174-0437 and pISSN is 1134-7937.

What is Citescore for Ansiedad y Estres? Faqs

Citescore for Ansiedad y Estres is 1.4.

What is SNIP score for Ansiedad y Estres? Faqs

SNIP score for Ansiedad y Estres is 0.39.

What is the SJR for Ansiedad y Estres? Faqs

SJR for Ansiedad y Estres is Q3.

Who is the publisher of Ansiedad y Estres? Faqs

SOC ESPANOLA ESTUDIO ANSIEDAD & ESTRES is the publisher of Ansiedad y Estres.