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5 essential steps to manage your research funds effectively

5 Essential Steps to Manage Your Research Funds Effectively

5 essential steps to manage your research funds effectively
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on Pexels

Seeking and procuring research funding is a critical part of a researcher’s career. However, effective grant management requires careful monitoring and accountability. Ensuring the proper tracking, allocation, and reporting of every penny of the disbursed grant is a big responsibility and an important skill that researchers need to develop if they are to grow and succeed in their career. Researchers need to lay the essential groundwork right at the very start to make sure that the grant funds will be optimally spent and the program obligations are successfully met.

Fortunately, managing research funding is not as daunting or complicated as it may seem. Here are some useful tips that may prove beneficial for those seeking to improve their grant management skills.

  1. Familiarize yourself with the clauses and guidelines for grant utilization

Winning a grant can be an exhilarating milestone to achieve and celebrate. However, it is very important to familiarize yourself with the specific requirements mentioned in the immediate documentation. Remember that grants are formal contracts that may list clear guidelines on how the research fund is to be used and reported. Always, clarify any questions you may have right at the beginning by connecting with relevant administrative personnel. It is important to go through the entire grant funding document carefully as the clauses presented may differ depending on the legal status of the institution. Private institution for example may have very different requirements and expectations from state or federal institutions.

In case you manage to procure funds from overseas, do remember to check for any country-specific regulations that may be listed when processing the funds. Similarly, in the case of collaborative grants, take time to check the specific guidelines of each of the entities involved. This will not only ensure that there are no misunderstandings or gaps in communication but will also lay the basis on which you can prepare your plan to manage set accountability metrics.

  1. Allocate fund money carefully, ensuring that expenses are qualified as per grant terms

Meticulous program and budget tracking is crucial if you ever have to make a case for more funding in the future. It helps to categorize each expense under specific heads, as this makes it easier to track and evaluate. Remember to check the accounts periodically to ensure that you are not over-spending or under-utilizing allocated funds. Effectively managing research funds and keeping a detailed record of every penny spent will ensure that you have a valid response to any question that the funding agency may have regarding how their funds were used and the kind of impact it has had.

Setting up an accounting system to allocate funds and track expenditures will prove invaluable in the long run. Today, researchers have the option of using one of the many software applications and tools that are easily available online to help maintain detailed expense records. While using online software reduces the chance of errors that might inadvertently happen due to lack of time, it may also be a good idea to preserve all bills and receipts as part of record keeping. As a professional, it is important to realize that sometimes even seemingly small miscalculation can be detrimental to your reputation among funding bodies.

  1. Be aware of the details of the review and reporting process

Most institutes and funding agencies release research funding in a staggered manner and not all at once. Researchers are, on many occasions, required to present a report on the way forward and expected results at different stages of their research, before the disbursement of funds. Planning ahead can not only help avoid possible delays in funding but will also go a long way in establishing your reputation as a responsible, reliable researcher, worthy of securing future grants. If you are unsure of how to prepare a review and reporting document, do seek help from an experienced auditor or mentor who can offer guidance on format and structure.

  1. Ensure timely dialog with funding agencies in case of re-budgeting

Research outcomes can often be unpredictable. This can throw your entire study out of gear, forcing you to perhaps reconsider ways to do things differently than what was originally proposed to the funding agency. Consequently, how you use the grant money may differ too. While, you may have a valid reason for this change, most funding agencies do not look kindly on modifications of any kind. Therefore, remember to keep communication channels open and regularly share updates on the progress of your project so that they are not surprised with requests for additional funds or re-budgeting. A grant calendar can help you stay on track with reminders of research grant report submission deadlines.

  1. Keep digital and hard-copy records for all research funding received

Finally, and most importantly, remember to create both digital and hard-copy records for each of the research funds that you receive. Given that most transactions now happen online, it is important to archive emails and electronic documents in a systematic way to enable quick access. Back-up all files and records to ensure that there is no loss of data or information in the event of a technical malfunction.

While budgeting and maintaining accounts can seem tedious, it is of critical importance in research. The best way to manage research grants effectively is to prepare ahead, identify appropriate software and tools that can optimize your workflows, and communicate clearly and transparently with your team and the funding agency. This will help you win over funding agencies and help strengthen your career trajectory.

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