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how to use web of science

how to use web of science

Web of Science is an online search platform designed to meet the needs of scientific and scholarly researchers. It includes multiple databases created specifically to facilitate academic literature searches. The platform is a useful resource for researchers, providing access to various academic literature like peer-reviewed articles, and helping them stay updated on the latest developments in their research fields.[1] 

One of the key contributions of Web of Science (WoS) is its expansive database. The platform’s citation indexing feature allows researchers to trace the citation history of a specific article, identifying how many times it has been cited by other works. This not only helps gauge the impact and influence of a study but also aids in identifying seminal works within a given field. For writers, this feature is invaluable for establishing the credibility and relevance of their research within the broader academic landscape. 

Web of Science also significantly contributes to the research and writing process by streamlining the literature review stage. Researchers can efficiently explore existing literature, identify gaps in knowledge, and build a solid foundation for their work.[2]  

Moreover, the platform encourages collaboration and interdisciplinary research. Researchers and writers can find work outside their usual area, promoting connections across different fields that can bring about creative ideas and approaches. This connection is crucial for tackling complex research questions that often need diverse expertise. 

How to use Web of Science for research? 

The Web of Science database is helpful throughout the research and writing process, from the start of literature review to the end of citation analysis. Here are a few ways it helps researchers:[3]  

  1. Find suitable articles: By examining the journals that publish articles similar to their research, authors can identify suitable target journals for their own work.  
  2. Discover related literature: The platform’s citation indexing feature allows you to discover connections between different publications, making it easier to identify related works.  
  3. Write review articles: The ability to establish connections between articles and identify influential studies also enables you to evaluate a vast amount of content. This can be leveraged for routine academic reviews and even more rigorous scientific assessments. 
  4. Discover impactful studies: Users can see how often a particular study has been cited by other works. More citations often indicate a study’s influence and significance in its field.  

How to search in Web of Science?

Simple searches

Using Web of Science for basic searches involves using clear and specific keywords related to your research topic. After obtaining a list of results, you can refine them using filters such as publication year, document type, and language. Each result typically includes essential details like the title, authors, source (journal), and an abstract summarizing the study. If full-text access is available, you can read the complete article.  

Refine results

Optimize searches using Boolean operators by using logical connectors strategically. This increases the precision and relevance of your search results. Use “AND” to narrow your search by requiring the presence of both terms, “OR” to broaden it by including either term, and “NOT” to exclude specific terms. Parentheses help group terms and control the order of operations, while quotation marks specify an exact phrase.  

Find full text articles

For full-text articles on Web of Science, start by conducting a search using relevant keywords and filters. Once you identify an article of interest, check for direct links to the full text. Look for options like “PDF,” “HTML,” or “Full Text” next to the article information. If these links are not available, explore additional options such as “Find It” or “Check for Full Text.” [2][3][4]

How to identify open access articles:

To identify open access articles, initiate a search using relevant keywords and review the initial results. Utilize the “Open Access” filter, to refine your results to include only open access articles. Additionally, some databases use specific icons or indicators to highlight open access content, so be on the lookout for symbols like an unlocked padlock or the “Open Access” logo.  

Consistently accessing and searching academic literature is crucial for staying updated on the latest developments in your research field. This ongoing process empowers you to stay informed about relevant topics, from discovering literature to targeted searches, journal selection, and identifying emerging trends. Databases like Web of Science offer valuable resources to support these activities, aiding in maintaining a current and comprehensive understanding of your research area.


  1. Web of Science platform, Clarivate Analytics website. Available online at https://clarivate.com/products/scientific-and-academic-research/research-discovery-and-workflow-solutions/webofscience-platform/ 
  2. Birkle, C., Pendlebury, D.A., Schnell, J., Adams, J. Web of Science as a data source for research on scientific and scholarly activity. Quantitative Science Studies, February 2020. Available online at https://direct.mit.edu/qss/article/1/1/363/15569/Web-of-Science-as-a-data-source-for-research-on 
  3. BRR 100: Great Experiments in Bioresource Sciences, Oregon State University website. Available online at https://guides.library.oregonstate.edu/c.php?g=286006&p=2748541 
  4. Bibliometrics and Altmetrics: Measuring the Impact of Knowledge. University Libraries, University of Maryland website. Available online at https://lib.guides.umd.edu/bibliometrics/WEB_OF_SCIENCE 

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