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What has the Researcher Community Been Talking About?

Photo by Hannah Busing on Unsplash

Have you visited the R Voice community forum lately?

Our community is always abuzz with a lot of interesting discussions among researchers. These conversations include personal stories and experiences, honest and open discussions, questions that are thrown open to the community, advice on dealing with some of the most important aspects of academic life, some great resources on manuscript writing and publishing, and useful career advice.

We know that it’s not always easy for you to visit R Voice and make the time to look through all of these conversations. So we thought of bringing them to you. Here are some key conversations, insightful discussions, and resources from the community forum.

Useful sessions to help you with academic writing:

Webinar – Writing a research manuscript: Where to go from the first blank page

Have you experienced this? You need to write you research paper but each time you try to write, you find yourself staring at a blank page and can’t get any writing done. Shruti Turner, Founding Member of R Voice and Imperial College London researcher, conducted a webinar in which she shared some great writing tips to help researchers overcome this initial block. Missed the session? Catch the recording here.

Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) session – Academic writing and publishing

Researchers often have a lot of questions about different aspects of their PhD journey. To help address these, Christopher Leonard, Director of Products and Strategy, Cactus Communications, and R Voice host, conducted an AMA session on Academic Writing and Publishing. In this session Chris, helped researchers with several questions such as what to include in a cover letter, how to write a review article, how journals handle plagiarism etc. Take a look at Chris’s insightful answers.

Live manuscript editing session

Researchers often struggle with editing and finalizing their own research paper, especially while getting it ready for journal submission. Chris also took us through a live demo edit of a research paper to highlight how you can edit your manuscript to identify and fix errors in it before submitting it to the journal. Watch this video to learn how you can apply these tips to your own research paper.

Shut-Up-And-Write sessions

Dealing with writer’s block? Need advice on academic/manuscript writing? The Shut-Up-And-Write sessions on R Voice might just be what you need. These are focused writing sessions that are held on the third Friday of each month. All you need to do is sign up for them and show up to get some focused writing time for yourself alongside fellow researchers.

You might also like some of these conversations that got the R Voice community talking:

We hope you find these sessions useful and these conversations interesting to read. We would love to have you join the conversations on R Voice too.

We’ll be back next month with a freshly curated list of great posts from the community.

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