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independent publishing

Getting one’s research study published is a cherished objective of researchers all over the world. During this process, many researchers target leading and well-known publications in which to get their work published. However, there are a few challenges that researchers continue to face in the publishing sphere globally, including increasing costs of publishing, long turnaround time before the submitted papers are published and so on. In this scenario, many researchers are shifting towards independent publishing, which we will discuss in this article.   

What is Independent Publishing in Academia?  

Independent or self-publishing involves an author publishing a book independently without collaborating with any traditional publisher. Through independent publishing, academicians can overcome the challenges typically faced in pursuing the conventional form of publishing and get their research published in a faster and more economical manner. In this context, where the author is in sole charge of the publication process, all rights rest with them, including the form and channel of dissemination. Self-publishing in academic work has both benefits and pitfalls. It is vital to understand these aspects before deciding on independent or self-publishing your work.  

The Benefits of Independent Publishing in Academia   

Ease and immediate access 

Self-publishing saves the author considerable time that would otherwise be lost in going through a traditional publisher, especially in getting the manuscript accepted by the latter. The time taken for publishing naturally drags on in case of rejection of the manuscript by a particular journal.  

Further, the presence of a paywall for traditional journals means that the accessibility of the article or paper will be comparatively less than that of a self-publishing form that allows greater access.  

Control and Flexibility  

With the author being the publisher, they enjoy considerable control over the content, cover design, layout, creative aspects, and even publication pricing. Independent publishing provides excellent flexibility without the restrictions of traditional publishers on the timelines and content published.  

Researchers can have the final say in these aspects. Some academicians and researchers communicate their work and views through publishing blogs, which is also a great way of making their work known faster to a larger audience.   

The Pitfalls of Independent Publishing in Academia   

Lack of a support system 

Traditional publishers have a professional team comprising proofreaders, copy editors, designers, publicists, and so forth, who provide high-standard services in vetting the manuscript before it is published. However, in the case of independent publishing, it is solely up to the author to make decisions.  

Such issues need to be seriously considered, particularly in academic publishing, as these will significantly reflect on the quality and acceptance of your work. Always make sure to avail yourself of the services of a professional to proofread, copy edit, and even format the manuscript, mainly if it contains images, diagrams, tables, and so forth.  

Peer review process 

A stringent peer review process informs the decision of traditional publishers to accept a manuscript for publication. In academia, your publication record in terms of articles or papers that appear in peer-reviewed and reputed journals holds significant value. This is crucial for your academic and career growth. Independent publishing does not entail this process and hence can be frowned upon by the larger educational community.  

Problems of coordination  

Traditional and reputed publishers provide authors with marketing support, access to various distribution channels, ongoing associations with libraries and booksellers, archiving and other support. Independent publishers lose out on this. They need to coordinate everything on their own to ensure that they meet quality standards.   

The academic community, by and large, remains cynical of self-publishing academic books. The absence of a robust peer review process that a traditional publisher provides is a significant factor in this regard.  

However, despite a slow pace, independent publishing is an emerging trend. As discussed in an opinion piece, the future of academic publishing will be influenced both by the desire and need of most academicians to publish in reputed, high-impact traditional journals and also to have the autonomy to receive early feedback and wider dissemination with their peers.  

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