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What is Cluster Sampling? Definition, Method, and Examples

cluster sampling
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Cluster sampling is a practical and efficient method for sampling large and dispersed populations, balancing cost considerations with the need for representative data collection.¹ 

This article will provide a clear understanding of the importance and practicality of cluster sampling in research. We explore what the cluster sampling method entails, including its definition, how it is conducted, and types of cluster sampling. We will also explore using cluster sampling in statistics and highlight the advantages and disadvantages of cluster sampling. The difference between cluster sampling and stratified sampling is also explained. 

What is Cluster Sampling? 

Cluster sampling can be defined as a method where the population is divided into naturally occurring groups, or clusters, and a random sample of these clusters is selected for study. It can also be combined with other sampling techniques in multistage sampling designs. This cost-effective approach is efficient, especially for large, geographically dispersed populations. For instance, a national health survey assessing diabetes prevalence might divide the country into districts (clusters), randomly select several districts, and then survey all or a random sample of individuals within those districts. This method simplifies logistics and reduces costs while maintaining a representative sample, making it ideal for applications in national surveys, educational research, public health assessments, market research, and environmental studies.  

The key features of cluster sampling are listed below: 

  1. Division into Clusters: The population is divided into distinct groups or clusters, such as geographical areas, schools, or communities. 
  2. Random Selection of Clusters: A random sample of these clusters is selected from the population. This random selection ensures that each cluster has an equal chance of being included in the study. 
  3. Sampling within Clusters: Data is collected from all individuals or a random sample of individuals within each selected cluster. This approach differs from simple random sampling, where individuals are directly selected from the entire population.


Types of Cluster Sampling in Research 

 Cluster sampling in research has three types: single-stage, double-stage, and multi-stage clustering. In all three types, the population is divided into clusters, and then clusters are randomly chosen for the sample. 

  1. Single-Stage Cluster Sampling: In this type, all elements within the selected clusters are included in the sample. For example, if you randomly select several schools (clusters), all students from each selected school are included in the study.
  2. Two-Stage Cluster Sampling: This involves sampling clusters in two stages. First, clusters are randomly selected from the population. Then, a subset of elements within each selected cluster is randomly sampled. For instance, you might randomly select several neighborhoods (clusters) and then randomly select households within each neighborhood to survey. 
  3. Multi-Stage Cluster Sampling: Multi-stage cluster sampling involves multiple stages of sampling. It is often used when the population is very large and diverse. In this method, clusters are sampled in stages, with smaller and smaller units being sampled at each subsequent stage. For example, sampling countries, cities within countries, and neighborhoods within cities. 

How to Do Cluster Sampling (Step by Step) 

Here’s a streamlined guide to conducting cluster sampling: 

  1. Define the Population and Clusters: Begin by clearly defining the target population. Determine how the population can be naturally grouped into clusters (e.g., schools, neighborhoods, departments). 
  2. Randomly Select Clusters: Use a random sampling technique to select clusters from the defined population. This ensures that every cluster has an equal chance of being selected, thus making the sample more representative of the entire population. 
  3. Determine Cluster Size: Decide on the number of elements (individuals, households, etc.) within each selected cluster that will be included in the study. This can involve sampling all elements within the selected clusters (single-stage) or sampling elements within each cluster (two-stage or multi-stage). 
  4. Sample Elements within Clusters: Once clusters are selected, sample elements within each cluster according to your predetermined cluster size. Ensure that your sampling method within clusters is also random to maintain the integrity of the sample. 
  5. Collect Data: Collect data from the sampled elements within each selected cluster. Make sure your data collection methods are consistent across all clusters to ensure reliable results. 

Example Scenario

Research Objective: Study the vaccination rates among children in a city. 

  • Step 1: Define the population as all children aged 0-5 years in the city. 
  • Step 2: Identify clusters, such as neighborhoods or city districts. 
  • Step 3: Randomly select several neighborhoods from the city map. 
  • Step 4: Decide to survey 50 households with children aged 0-5 within each selected neighborhood. 
  • Step 5: Conduct surveys or collect vaccination records from the children in each selected household. 

In this example, the cluster sampling method allows researchers to efficiently gather information about vaccination rates across different neighborhoods while minimizing costs and resources compared to surveying the entire population. Each step ensures that the sample remains representative of the entire population of interest. 

Cluster Sampling in Statistics 

Cluster sampling is widely used in statistics for several reasons. It allows researchers to effectively study large and geographically dispersed populations by dividing them into manageable clusters, such as neighborhoods or schools, and sampling from these clusters instead of trying to survey every individual. This approach reduces costs and logistical challenges associated with data collection, making it useful in fields like public health surveys or educational research, where widespread data collection is impractical. Additionally, cluster sampling allows for the inclusion of diverse subgroups within the population, ensuring that the sample is representative and can provide valid statistical inferences about the entire population.²

Cluster Sampling vs Stratified Sampling 

 Cluster sampling and stratified random sampling find several similarities, making it hard to understand their differences. The following are the major differences between the two:   

Aspect  Cluster Sampling  Stratified Sampling 
Definition  Divides the population into clusters, randomly selects clusters, and samples all elements within selected clusters.  Divides the population into homogeneous subgroups (strata), then samples randomly from each subgroup. 
Purpose  Efficiently samples large, geographically dispersed populations.  Ensures representation of specific subgroups within the population. 
Sampling Method  Random selection of clusters, then all elements within selected clusters are included in the sample.  Random selection within each stratum, ensuring proportional representation. 
Cost Efficiency  Generally more cost-effective than simple random sampling for large populations.  Can be more costly due to sampling from multiple strata. 
Logistical Feasibility  Easier to implement when the population is widely dispersed or difficult to access individually.  Suitable when distinct subgroups within the population can be identified and sampled separately. 
Representativeness  May lead to higher variability within clusters, requiring adjustments in analysis.  Provides precise estimates for each stratum, enhancing accuracy in subgroup analysis. 
Complexity  Requires adjustments for intra-cluster variability in analysis (e.g., clustering effects).  Typically simpler to analyze due to well-defined strata and proportional sampling. 

Advantages and Disadvantages of Cluster Sampling 

The following table provides a concise overview of the advantages and disadvantages of cluster sampling: 

Advantages  Disadvantages 
Cost-effective and time-efficient  Increased risk of sampling error 
Convenient for geographically dispersed populations  Less accurate compared to simple random sampling 
Requires fewer resources for data collection  Can lead to biased results if clusters are not homogeneous 
Simplifies fieldwork and logistics  Analysis can be more complex 
Suitable for large populations  Requires a larger sample size to achieve the same level of precision 
Allows for more manageable and focused studies  May require multiple stages of sampling (multi-stage sampling) 

Key Takeaways 

Cluster sampling is a cost-effective method for large, dispersed populations, but it carries a higher risk of sampling error and potential bias. It often requires a larger sample size for accuracy and can make data analysis more complex due to the clustered nature of the sample. Nonetheless, its practicality makes it advantageous for managing extensive populations, and it can be combined with other sampling techniques in multistage sampling designs. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. When is cluster sampling used? 

Cluster sampling is utilized when dealing with large, geographically dispersed populations for which a complete population list is unavailable, making simple random sampling impractical. It is especially beneficial when the population naturally falls into groups, such as schools, neighborhoods, or districts, which can be treated as clusters. Cluster sampling is advantageous when there is high homogeneity but variability between clusters, as it helps reduce costs and logistical complexities. It is also preferred for its administrative convenience and efficiency, enabling effective data collection while ensuring that the sampled clusters are representative of the entire population. 

2. How do you analyze data from cluster sampling? 

In cluster sampling, it’s essential to start by consolidating the data from all selected clusters. Then, descriptive statistics, such as means and variances, are calculated for each cluster separately, and combined to obtain overall estimates. If the clusters vary in size, weighted averages are used. Additionally, software packages like R, SAS, or SPSS offer specific procedures to handle the complexities of cluster sampling, including variance estimation and hypothesis testing, while adjusting for the design effect due to clustering. 

3. How is the sample size determined in cluster sampling? 

In cluster sampling, the sample size is determined by first identifying the total number of clusters in the population and deciding how many clusters to sample. Researchers estimate the intra-cluster correlation coefficient (ICC) to understand within-cluster similarity, which affects the effective sample size. The number of clusters and observations within each cluster is chosen to balance statistical efficiency and practical constraints. The design effect (DEFF) is calculated using the formula DEFF=1+(m−1)×ICC, where m is the average number of observations per cluster. The final sample size is then adjusted by multiplying the simple random sample size by the design effect, ensuring the sample adequately represents the population while considering budget, time, and logistical factors. 

4. What is an example of cluster sampling? 

Consider a scenario in which a researcher aims to study the eating habits of high school students in a large city. Instead of surveying every student in each school, which would be impractical, the researcher randomly selects several schools from different districts in the city – these selected schools represent the clusters. Subsequently, the researcher surveys all the students present on a particular day in each chosen school. This method enables the researcher to collect data from a diverse group of students across the city without having to survey every single student, making it a more manageable and cost-effective approach compared to individually surveying every student. 


  1. Levy, P. S., & Lemeshow, S. (2013). Sampling of Populations: Methods and Applications. Wiley. 
  2. Pandey, P., & Pandey, M. M. (2021). Research methodology tools and techniques. Bridge Center. 

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