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The Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Research Excellence

diversity and inclusion in research
Achieving equity, diversity, and inclusion remains a significant challenge in the realm of academia and scientific research. There have been numerous instances in the recent past where a lack of understanding of the importance of diversity and inclusion in research has led to skewed results, inaccurate findings, and study retractions. 

As an example, a version of speech recognition software that was developed a few years ago using a limited set of American male voices had difficulty identifying not just female voices but also different accents. Numerous other such examples clearly demonstrate why diversity and inclusion are crucial if we are to undertake research that is truly equitable and represents our diverse societies. The first version of the Apple Health app, for instance, failed to include a crucial health indicator that 50% of the world’s population monitors: menstruation.1   

In fact, available statistics reveal that less than a third of the world’s scientific researchers are women and that women are particularly underrepresented in some fields, such as mathematics, physics, and computer science.2 Women being underrepresented in STEM careers is a clear indication of a gender bias in academia and research—one that does not bode well for the future of scientific development. 

On the other hand, studies have proved that removing systemic barriers, gender and racial stereotypes, and stigmas and adopting diversity and inclusion in research have helped advance knowledge, fuel creativity, and amplify innovation. In this blog, let’s discuss ways to achieve equity, diversity, and inclusion in research. 

The benefits of diversity and inclusion in research 

In this section, we will discuss the advantages that come with having a diverse and inclusive research team. From generating innovative ideas to improving the quality of research, we will explore how diversity and inclusion can benefit the research community as a whole.  

Encourages better performance and results 

When it comes to teamwork, a high degree of inclusion and cognitive diversity could generate accelerated learning, better performance, and results even when faced with complex and challenging situations. Typically, organizations with higher diversity in management generally earn 38% more revenue, on average, from innovative products and services than companies with lower diversity.3   

Sparks greater creativity and innovation 

Groups composed of researchers with diverse experiences and expertise on varied subjects tend to be more creative and innovative than homogeneous groups. Cornell University researchers found that inclusive teams produce 60% more innovative concepts than non-inclusive teams. 

Provides a broader perspective on issues 

A diverse team drawn from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds will bring with them different perspectives and insights that can lead to more robust problem-solving, better decision-making, and a more comprehensive range of innovative ideas. A Harvard Business Review study found that 87% of the time, multicultural teams make better decisions than teams with no diversity.5  

Helps attract and retain talent 

Research environments that encourage inclusivity and diversity are able to attract and retain better quality talent, resulting in an increasingly competent and productive research team. According to a Deloitte study, a workplace culture where employees felt valued and included led to them being more invested, engaged, and productive.6   

Boosts standards of scientific research 

A lack of diversity and inclusion in the academic and scientific arena may result in misleading and insufficient results. Equity, diversity, and inclusion are imperative for scientific research not only to secure funding and produce scientifically rigorous and socially responsible work but also to ensure ethical and fair results for wider global audiences. Unless science becomes more democratic and inclusive, it will be unable to produce results for the larger good.   

While the benefits of equity, diversity, and inclusion are far-reaching and straightforward, there is still a long way to go in achieving accurate equity and inclusion in research and academia. Barriers such as systemic racism, bias, and discrimination continue to exist and hinder progress towards a more diverse and inclusive environment. We must acknowledge these barriers and work to dismantle them more urgently than ever before.  


  1. Malinda S., Smith, Dominique, Berube and Marie-Lynne Boudreau, COMMENTARY || Diversity is indispensable to excellence in research, University of Alberta (August 28, 2019)
  2. Moore S., Importance of Inclusivity in Science, News-Medical Lifesciences  
  3. Why Diversity and Inclusion Matter (Quick Take), Workplaces that work for women (June 24, 2020)   
  4. Williams, W. R. How Diversity and Inclusion Foster Innovation and Creativity. Cornell University (2019)  
  5. Rock D. and Grant H. Why Diverse Teams Are Smarter. Harvard Business Review (November 04, 2016)
  6. Engaging the workforce. Deloitte  

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