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Research paper notifications: Why R Discovery is the best in this space

Research Paper Notifications: Why R Discovery is the Best in this Space

Research paper notifications: Why R Discovery is the best in this space
Personalized research paper notifications empower busy academics to optimize their research reading! (Image by DilokaStudio on Freepik)

As a researcher, do you go on a daily hunt to find the relevant papers and skim through all those that you have OR does your phone/inbox just ping once, and you have what you need for the day? Chances are that it’s the former if you are not yet on R Discovery! A smart literature search and reading app, R Discovery ensures its about 2.3 million users get the latest and most relevant updates magically delivered to their devices every day. R Discovery has created one of the most comprehensive plans to help researchers stay updated with developments in their fields. It curates and presents you with the research paper notifications that include targeted research alerts and bite-sized content at a time to reduce clutter and increase focus. Compared to other similar products in the industry, its range of alerts and notifications offer huge benefits for researchers.  

Research paper notifications on latest publications 

Research reading is important for researchers for a variety of reasons, the most important of which is staying on top of the latest research. Researchers are often worried about missing out on recently published research and visit multiple platforms to ensure they don’t miss out on any relevant papers. R Discovery understands how important this is, which is why it sends out a personalized daily research paper notification about articles that have just been published in their field of research. This means that if any academic papers were published in the previous seven days, R Discovery finds the most relevant paper out of those and sends that to the researcher every day. To ensure an uncluttered reading list, every user gets research alerts for just one new article a day to ensure they stay updated on recent developments in their field by reading at least one paper a day. 

Research paper notifications: Why R Discovery is the best in this space

Personalized research alerts for top reads 

Another reason researchers read research papers regularly is to learn research skills and gain new and fresh perspectives in their field from other researchers. R Discovery’s personalized reading suggestions empower researchers to read without wasting time in finding the right research papers for their work or getting overwhelmed by a mindless list of every possibly relevant paper. It’s AI engine uses your topics of interest to scan its content bank of over 100 million research papers, including 40 million open access articles, and identifies relevant paper for you to read every day. R Discovery then sends users research alerts with the top reading recommendation for the day early in the morning both via email and mobile notifications. The best part of these research paper notifications is that if a user has already read an article, then it is not recommended again, ensuring researchers get fresh alerts every day for a more productive reading experience. Imagine the positive impact on a researcher’s productivity if they finish reading just two of the daily research paper notifications for a month, one for the recent updates and one from the existing knowledge pool! 

Research paper notifications: Why R Discovery is the best in this space

Research alerts to streamline your literature reading  

And that’s not all there is, R Discovery strives to always keep this offering interesting and valuable. We also understand that there can be numerous use cases for reading research and different researchers can have different preferences when it comes to research paper notification. While some researchers prefer to read all relevant papers, some prefer to get only recent updates, and others only want articles from their favorite journals! So, we at R Discovery, worked to make our users’ lives easier. Other than the two daily research paper notifications, we collate many other categories of research alerts every week and send these to users who display enough activity on the app or interest in the product.  

Every Sunday, based on what the user likes and does not like, top research papers are curated and sent as a list of research papers –. This allows users to save their favorites from the recommended papers and create a reading list for the week, further streamlining and improving their research reading experience. 

Research paper notifications from your favorite journals 

Once a week, R Discovery also collates the top research papers from your most preferred journals and sends this list to users as a research paper notification. This ensures that the users always stay updated on everything their top journals publish, which means they never miss out on new research. 

Research alerts on full-text articles available for you 

Another set of weekly research alerts cover all the best matching full-text research papers that are sent to users as a simple list. This ensures that if users have been searching for full text articles to read and cite in their ongoing manuscripts, they can find and access this right away. Since users can also access paywalled papers on R Discovery via their institute’s credentials, a separate research paper notification is sent to the user to inform then that a new published paper is available to users for free. 

Smart research alerts based on your reading habits 

While R Discovery offers a wide range of research alerts, we make sure that users never receive more than three research paper notifications in a day. This ensures that users only get the most relevant alerts daily. R Discovery also understands that busy researchers may not always be available to read all research paper notifications irrespective of how targeted these are. So, we have enabled your personal inbox within the app itself, where you can catch up on all missed or dismissed research alerts and use this to discover more content.  

The R Discovery team is also working on another capability that lets users define their research paper notification settings. Researchers can choose specific campaigns that interest them or decide when they wish to receive notifications and how many. We believe this feature will give our growing community of users more control over their research paper notification journey and we are super excited about this. What about you? Do you still want to visit multiple publisher websites, scan online repositories, or rely on search engines or are you ready to make the smart choice after reading this article? Optimize your research reading and sign up to R Discovery now!

R Discovery is a literature search and research reading platform that accelerates your research discovery journey by keeping you updated on the latest, most relevant scholarly content. With 250M+ research articles sourced from trusted aggregators like CrossRef, Unpaywall, PubMed, PubMed Central, Open Alex and top publishing houses like Springer Nature, JAMA, IOP, Taylor & Francis, NEJM, BMJ, Karger, SAGE, Emerald Publishing and more, R Discovery puts a world of  research at your fingertips. 

Try R Discovery Prime FREE for 1 week or upgrade at just US$72 a year to access premium features that let you listen to research on the go, read in your language, collaborate with peers, auto sync with reference managers, and much more. Choose a simpler, smarter way to find and read research – Download the app and start your free 7-day trial today! 

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