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Research Paper Appendix: Format and Examples

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An appendix in a research paper contains additional or supplementary information that may aid the reader’s understanding of the subject but is not essential for everyone. It is typically placed at the end of the document. A research paper appendix may contain different types of material, such as text, tables, figures, diagrams and illustrations, maps, raw data, questionnaires used in the study, etc. An appendix in a research paper may also contain information that is too data heavy to include in the main text.  

Separate appendices are typically used for each topic being described, with each appendix having a descriptive title. The main manuscript should be able to stand alone without the research paper appendix and should not depend on it for basic understanding. If the appendix were removed from the paper, it shouldn’t hinder the readers’ understanding of the study. Appendices should always be referred to or cited in the text so that the readers could refer to it if they need additional information. 

The following sections will describe in detail the basic structure and importance of an appendix in a research paper and list the types of content that could be included to help you create comprehensive appendices to supplement your research paper.

What is an appendix in a research paper? 

A research paper¹ has detailed information about a study, such as the methods and results, and any information that is additional, but nonessential is usually included in the appendix section at the end of the paper. Including appendices is optional because it has supplementary information that readers may or may not refer to. 

A research paper appendix should be included for the following reasons: 

  • Including this information in the main text may interrupt the narrative flow of the paper. 
  • The information is too lengthy or detailed to be included in the main paper. 
  • Adding the information would significantly increase the word limit. 
  • Provides data that can be understood better if presented in a self-contained or independent format 
  • Offers the opportunity to present additional information about your study, including design methods, cohort details, etc. 

Importance of an appendix in a research paper  

The main aim of including an appendix in a research paper is to provide additional material to support the paper although it may not be directly relevant to the understanding of the study. This additional material provides more clarity to readers and is an optional read, so readers can choose whether or not they would want to refer to it. Appendices can also help you in demonstrating your thoroughness and credibility as a researcher by sharing your evidence, data, and methods that support your findings. An appendix in a research paper also gives you an opportunity to be creative and flexible in presenting additional information through different formats, such as videos, audio clips, etc., to illustrate your text.² 

Thus, the functions of an appendix in a research paper can be summarized as follows: 

  1. Provide additional information 
  2. Organize and present complex data 
  3. Maintain readability of the main paper 
  4. Provide an expanded context for readers to verify and extend research 

General points to consider while adding a research paper appendix 

Here are a few points to consider while adding an appendix in a research paper.¹,³ 

  1. Finalize the content type: Identify the type of content you want to add, separate the appendices based on data, don’t combine them. Do not include vague or irrelevant information. 
  2. Organize and label: Appendices should have a logical structure and numbering. Use letters or numbers to label multiple appendices. List appendices in the order in which they are cited in the main text. 
  3. Format: Ensure consistent formatting across all appendices—same font size, typeface, clear titles, and captions. 
  4. Place in a sequence: Ensure that the appendix is placed at the end of the document. Always cite every appendix in the research paper 

What to include in the appendix  

Here are the types of content that could be included in an appendix in a research paper 

  • Detailed textual descriptions 
  • Raw data—This information is usually very detailed, and the main paper may need only the analysis of the main data. In such cases, including this basic raw data in the research paper appendix would help readers to recheck and validate your findings, providing credibility to your research. The data could be in the form of spreadsheets. 
  • Tables and figures—These supplemental tables and figures should follow a numbering independent of the numbering in the main paper because they are stand alone. 
  • Maps, photographs, diagrams—Include these if you feel that they would aid readers’ understanding. 
  • Audio or video clips 
  • Correspondence—collaboration in the form of memos, letters, email copies 
  • Interview transcripts—Full transcripts for clear understanding, interview questions 
  • Questionnaires or surveys—survey instruments, questions 
  • Research instruments—devices used to gather information, like cameras and recorders 
  • Sample calculations—research formulae, descriptions of how calculations were used to determine relationships and significance 
  • Additional documents—permission forms, consent forms, ethical approval documentation 

How to format an appendix  

Here are a few general rules on how to format an appendix in a research paper.1 In addition, specific style guides may be referred to if required. 

  1. Each appendix in a research paper should begin on a new page. 
  2. Label the first page Appendix at the top of the page. 
  3. In case of two or more appendices, give each appendix a number or letter and a descriptive title. For example, Appendix A. XXX. 
  4. The appendices should be ordered in the same order in which they are cited in the text. 
  5. Appendices should be paginated separately from the main text, preferably with lower case Roman numerals. 

Appendices are usually formatted using three guides—APA, Chicago, and MLA, as described below.³ 

APA  Chicago  MLA 
Begin with the heading “Appendix” followed by letters, e.g., Appendix A   Times New Roman, 12-point text  Use letters to label multiple appendices, e.g., Appendix C 
Place the heading at the top of the appendix  Add page numbers (as 1, 2, 3, …) at the top right of each page; no page number on the front cover  Maintain the order of information 
Ensure same order as in main paper  Bibliography should be the final page  Place the appendix before references 
Include appendix after reference list    Start each appendix on a new page and number all pages 

 How to refer to an appendix 

To refer to an entire appendix in a research paper, simply signpost it as follows: 

The results show the association between the variables X and Y (see Appendix 1)… 

If referring to a part of the research paper appendix, the specific component can also be mentioned. 

This association between the variables (see Appendix A, Figure 2)… 

Where to place appendices  

An appendix in a research paper is usually placed at the end of your manuscript, after the reference section. Another format is to include all appendices as a separate document to be submitted along with your manuscript. 

Key Takeaways 

Here’s a quick summary of all the points described in detail in the previous sections. 

  • An appendix in a research paper contains additional information to supplement and support your main research paper. 
  • This information is an optional, nonessential read, and readers may choose to refer to it only if they are interested in further details on that topic. 
  • Research paper appendix content could include detailed text, tables, figures, maps, illustrations, raw data, calculations, audio-video clips, etc. 
  • Appendices are typically placed at the end of the manuscript after all other sections, such as references. However, the specific format may differ based on style guides. 
  • An appendix in a research paper should be clearly labelled and titled and should be listed in the order in which they are cited in the text. Every appendix should mandatorily be cited in the text. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1. Why is an appendix placed at the end and not within the main body of a research paper? 

A1. An appendix in a research paper contains additional information that may not be useful for all the readers. In addition, some guidelines may have restrictions about the word count. In such cases, including appendices at the end of the paper saves space and is useful for readers who are interested in it. Appendices are also included in PowerPoint presentations, but authors have the option of hiding that information and presenting it only if necessary. 

Q2. How should I format a research paper appendix in APA 7th Edition? 

A2. The following formatting guidelines should be followed to format an appendix in APA 7th edition:4 

  • The appendix should be created on its own individual page titled “Appendix.” 
  • The page title should be followed by a title that describes the subject of the appendix. 
  • The headings should be center aligned at the top of the page, boldfaced, and written in title case. 
  • In case of multiple appendices, each should be titled “Appendix A” or “Appendix 1” depending on the guidelines. 
  • All appendices should be referenced in the text accordingly, for example, “see Appendix A” or “see the Appendix.” 
  • Appendices should always be included as the last section of the research paper, after references, tables, and figures. 
  • Text appendices 
    • should be formatted in paragraph style 
    • may include text, figures, tables, equations, or footnotes 
    • should have all illustrative components labelled with the letter of the corresponding appendix, followed by a number to indicate the order within the appendix. For example, “Table C2” would be the second table in Appendix C. 

If the appendix in a research paper has only one component like a figure or table, then that component should be labelled as the appendix rather than figure or table. For example, if Appendix A includes only a table, then the table would be titled as “Appendix A” rather than “Table A1.” Here’s a sample appendix to illustrate the points mentioned above.

Figure 1. Sample appendix with multiple components [4]

Figure 2. Sample appendix with one component [4]
Figure 1 shows an appendix with multiple components. “Figure A1” indicates that Appendix A has at least two figures. Figure 2 shows an appendix with only one component, a table; therefore, this table is titled “Appendix B.” 

Q3. How should I format a research paper appendix in MLA style, 9th edition? 

A3. The following guidelines should be followed for formatting appendices according to MLA style:5 

  • The appendix appears before the Works Cited list (or References). 
  • For more than one appendix, label them as Appendix A, Appendix B, and so on. 
  • The appendices should be ordered in the order the information appears in your research paper. 
  • Each appendix should begin on a new page.  

Q4. Can I include images or tables in a research paper appendix? 

A4. Yes, appendices are appropriate for including all supplementary information that could add to the understanding of your research data. This additional information can be in any format—text, figures, illustrations, maps, calculations, diagrams, tables, graphs, etc. 

Q5. Do I need to include appendices in the table of contents? 

A5. While several guidelines prefer including appendices in the table of contents, other guidelines prefer a separate list of appendices in case of more than one and mentioning only “appendices” in the table of contents. 

Q6. What if the appendix in a research paper contains copyrighted material?6,7 

A6. If the appendix in a research paper includes reproductions of copyrighted material, you should, in some cases, obtain written authorization from the copyright holder. Using material in your paper more than that defined by the “fair use” principle, which allows for limited use of a work without first obtaining the copyright holder’s permission, may amount to copyright infringement. 

Different levels of permission can be required: 

  1. No permission required: When explicit licensing for use for any purpose is granted by the holder; only a limited portion is used; includes information developed by governments and is in the public domain. 
  2. Non-commercial or educational use: The copyright holder has licensed the instrument for only educational or non-commercial use. Any other use requires permission. 
  3. Permission required: This may be needed if the copyright holder has some restrictions for the use, for example, they have specific directions for use, correct version may be needed, etc. In such cases, you will need to contact the copyright holder directly. 

Q7. What is the difference between an appendix and a footnote or endnote? 

A7. The following table lists some differences between appendices and footnotes or endnotes.3 

Characteristic  Appendices  Footnotes/Endnotes 
Placement  End of the paper, after the main text, references, and other sections  Bottom of the page, end of the section, or end of the document 
Content  Supplementary, detailed information that supports the main text;  

In-depth information providing additional insight, but non-essential 

Brief explanations, comments, sources, URLs, expansions of abbreviations, etc.; 

Concise additional information, citations, or commentary to aid readers’ understanding 

Length  Long but variable, could span multiple pages  Short (1-2 sentences) 
Labelling  Numbered or lettered (e.g., Appendix 2, Appendix B)  Footnotes are numbered consecutively throughout the document; Endnotes are numbered separately for each section 

To summarize, an appendix in a research paper is an important component if you need to provide readers with supplementary information that may help them in understanding certain aspects of your study in more detail. Being an optional part of a research paper, it gives you the benefit of providing more details while adhering to constraints of space and words counts. We hope this article has helped you understand the importance of a research paper appendix and has given you an insight into the types of content that can be included in it. 


  1. Organizing your social science research paper. USC libraries research guides. Accessed August 14, 2024. https://libguides.usc.edu/writingguide/appendices 
  2. How to write an appendix: Explained with ease. EssayHub website. Accessed August 15, 2024. https://essayhub.com/blog/how-to-write-an-appendix-explained-with-ease 
  3. Caleb S. Extensive guide on appendix writing for graduating students. CollegeEssay website. Accessed August 16, 2024. https://collegeessay.org/blog/general/appendix-writing 
  4. Footnotes and appendices. Purdue University online writing lab. Accessed August 15, 2024. https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_formatting_and_style_guide/footnotes_appendices.html 

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