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ChatGPT for research

ChatGPT for research

In the field of research, ChatGPT is viewed as a tool that can enable researchers and students to have access to information, data, trends, and analysis within seconds. In fact, ChatGPT and other similar AI platforms are being used to save time as it automates key tasks for researchers.  However, in the field of academics and research ChatGPT needs to be viewed as a complementary tool and not one replacing human analysis. As it is trained on generic data, early career researchers and scholars must be cautious as responses and analysis generated by AI driven tools like ChatGPT could suffer from contextual limitations.  

Limitations of ChatGPT 

  • Original thinking and ideas are important in academic writing and research. However, ChatGPT is trained on existing text and therefore the output generated does not contain any original contribution, but a collation and synthesis of data it has been trained on. 
  • Given that the training data of ChatGPT may contain biases, the output can reflect these leading to a perpetuation of such content. 
  • The responses of ChatGPT depends on the prompts given which leads to variations. 
  • ChatGPT is trained on a wide range of sources. Hence it is not clear from where it has synthesized the information. Further, since it is trained on generic data, it lacks domain specific expertise. 

Despite its limitations, however, it can still be used for a few key tasks as discussed in the following section. 

Uses of ChatGPT for your research  

Generating research questions:

Researchers can take the help of ChatGPT for formulating clear research questions. By providing a prompt for research questions to a given topic, ChatGPT can generate several possible responses. Additionally, by feeding the model with relevant information or appropriate prompts that specify certain aspects that you wish to explore, or focusing more on a generated response, you can keep engaging with ChatGPT to narrow down on the research questions. However, review the information generated for its relevance and adapt the questions to your requirements.   

Creating outlines:

By providing your topic, research objectives, arguments or ideas, evidence and so forth, you can ask ChatGPT to prepare an outline for your paper. By doing so, researchers can can establish a framework for their work and ensure better coherence and a logical progression in their narratives. The number of paragraphs required in the outline can also be specified. Accordingly, an outline will be created. Examine this for any inconsistencies and edit it to make it appropriate for your study. 

Summarizing or Paraphrasing content:

ChatGPT can help in summarizing or paraphrasing by giving a prompt to do so for a given text. It provides you different options for paraphrasing. Given that ChatGPT can quickly extract key insights or distill the essence of voluminous literature, researchers can achieve more work in a short time. However, remember, that there are possibilities for inaccurate, biased, or false information to also crop up. Hence, always read the summary closely and cross-check the information with credible sources. 

Creating the abstract or introduction:

ChatGPT can help create an introduction to your study when you provide it with information on the context, significance, and objectives of the study. Similarly, the complex information in the paper can be easily summarized into an abstract highlighting the key findings and significance of the study. Keywords can also be generated with the help of ChatGPT. 

Generating titles for research:

Based on the key information you provide such as the topic, objectives, methodology and key findings, ChatGPT can analyze the information to provide recommendations on possible titles for your study. An entire title page can also be generated this way.  

To obtain optimum results, it is essential that you constantly work and converse with ChatGPT through follow-up questions on the information you are seeking. Remember to provide the right context of your question and be specific in the question and kind of information you are looking for.  

Verification of outputs 

ChatGPT can be a valuable research tool particularly as an initial resource or providing guidance for writing your research paper or exploring a topic. The bulk of the research process, however, should be defined by the researcher’s original thinking, writing and the use of primary and multiple credible sources. ChatGPT has the risk of its output not always being accurate.  

Moreover, since it works by detecting patterns, the output may not be original, appropriate, or un-biased. The data that it is trained on may contain information that is prejudiced or false or not up-to-date. Hence, it is important that authors always verify the content and apply further judgment and analysis. Furthermore, do not use the text as-is generated by the ChatGPT nor pass it as your own. This amounts to plagiarism and cheating. 

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