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Article Processing Charges: Impact on Open Access Publishing

article processing charges

The scholarly publishing landscape has witnessed tremendous upheavals over the past decade or so. Digital technologies have evolved rapidly, and artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are quickly being embedded into the publishing process. These developments have encouraged, among other things, the open-access movement that seeks to provide free and open online access to academic articles and journals. Thanks to open access, academicians, scholars, and researchers are able to access critical information today without the hindrance of paywalls and expensive subscriptions, thereby increasing the visibility and reach of research work.   

However, in spite of its benefits, the academic community has expressed concerns regarding the article-processing charges being levied by journals on authors. This is proving to be a financial obstacle for authors seeking to publish their work in open-access journals, especially those who have just started their research careers.   

The concern around article-processing charges   

Many early career researchers often discover, much to their chagrin, that they are expected to shell out a fee to have their work published on an open-access platform. This has prompted scholars and academics to ask the question as to how equitable the distribution of knowledge will be, especially in developing country contexts. This is more so because the transition from the subscription-based model of publishing to the open-access one was eventually to make publicly funded research accessible to one and all. Global academic research communities, policymakers, and public institutions supported the move to open access.   

Now, the onus is on the authors or the research community to pay for publishing their work in open-access journals. This has impacted authors negatively. Even if authors or research groups had to work on limited funding, they now have to bear additional costs if they want to see their work published. This demand for article processing charges has particularly impacted researchers and authors from the global south, leading to a skewed regional representation of authors across the open-access platform.  

Article processing charges are often high and prohibitive, defeating the purpose of the equity and access ideals of open access. Many authors, even from developed countries, have lamented that high article processing charges costs have become a barrier where the authors and the research community have to pay these costs themselves, thereby restricting the open access to publishing only to an elite few. Studies have shown that lesser-known universities generally prefer avoiding any platforms where article processing charges are found. This affects high-quality and innovative research, which is to be highlighted less in developing countries. At the same time, regional discoveries and geographically relevant research work may struggle to get amplified. Hence, eventually, the much-needed diversity and inclusivity in research is compromised.   

Open Access Models  

Let us briefly examine some standard open access models –  

  • Gold OA: This type of open-access journal usually uploads articles on the publisher’s website quickly. Some publishers may charge article processing charges, while others rely on subsidies or sponsorships to meet these costs.   
  • Green OA: Here, the articles are based in a repository. It is free of charge, but the publishers have an embargo period for such papers. This also goes by the name of self-archiving.   
  • Hybrid OA: Traditional subscription-based journals provide an opportunity for authors who wish to have their articles published as open access on payment of specified article processing charges.   
  • Diamond/Platinum OA: In this model, journals don’t impose any article processing charges as they are met through institutions and donations.   

Many experts suggest an institutional central fund to address the challenges posed by article processing charges for authors and the research community. This fund can be a novel way to help researchers and academia from the Global South navigate the way forward in the realm of article processing charges. The focus on equitable, inclusive, and regionally representative open access mustn’t be lost as new challenges emerge, especially with the issue of article processing charges. The need of the hour is for everyone involved – academic and research institutions, publishers, authors, and researchers to consistently debate on these topics to ensure informed decisions are taken. In the final analysis, the system of knowledge must be just and equitable wherever one resides, irrespective of one’s financial standing.   

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