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Creative thinking strategies: How to find good research topics

Creative Thinking Strategies: How to Find Good Research Topics


Creative thinking strategies: How to find good research topics
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

Scientific research requires academics to recognize gaps in knowledge and address these to help advance their field of research. In fact, successful researchers are able to view problems, both old and new, in a different light and discover novel solutions by training themselves to think differently. Understanding and honing this symbiotic relationship between creative and critical thinking can help researchers come up with research topic ideas, design research projects, and further science.

In fact, many researchers tend to struggle with the first step itself – that of identifying good research topics. In this situation, it always helps to not only look beyond the typical ways research problems are identified but also evaluate these potential issues from multiple angles. Isaac Asimov, the famous biochemist and science-fiction writer is believed to have aptly said, “The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not “Eureka!” but rather, “hmm… that’s funny…”1

Tips to nurture creative thinking skills as a researcher

Creativity is essential for great research but often the immediate goals one needs to achieve outweigh the creative aspect of research. So how can one simplify the task of finding a novel and interesting research topic? Here are a few tips for researchers, especially PhD students, to tackle this challenge while making the entire process more enjoyable.

  1. Cultivate lateral thinking: When researchers are looking for a good research topic, they tend to convince themselves that everything possible has been done on the topic. But knowing that there are always new things to discover is at the heart of the creative process. When looking at scientific problem, study how different ideas work together and how you can do things differently. Consider combining different ideas to come up with potentially ground-breaking research. On the other hand, if you have a broad idea, think about how to break this up into smaller, more viable and interesting research topics for your next project. Take time to cultivate conversations with mentors and peers to gain fresh perspectives on old problems; this is a solid creative thinking strategy that may just help you come up with several good research topics.
  2. Look beyond your comfort zone: Researchers often tend to stick to their own subject area, which is essential but also limiting when it comes to identifying interesting research topics. Work to consciously cultivate the habit of thinking out of the box and exploring related subject areas. One way to do this is by spending as much time as you can muster on reading research papers. It’s essential to critically analyze existing literature in your own field, question the hypothesis, methods and results and look for possible variations and creative solutions. However, reading on related research topics introduces you to new thought processes, ideas and gaps that you could solve through collaborative research. Breaking free from what you think you should do is a great way to build creative thinking skills and unlock research topic ideas you may have never considered before.

  1. Don’t be afraid of failure: Often it is the fear of failure or ridicule that holds researchers back from trying something different and creative. And it’s not just early career researchers, even seasoned researchers have at some point worried about doing something wrong, looking foolish, or not meeting expectations. When this happens, it’s common to unconsciously set goals around what you don’t want to happen rather than what you do want to achieve. However, it’s important to remember that failure is a stepping stone to success. Thomas Edison, one of the greatest inventors of his time, took years and thousands of attempts before successfully introducing a new type of storage battery to the world. When his associate Walter S, Mallory commented about how he had failed to produce results, Edison is believed to have said, “I have not failed 10,000 times—I’ve successfully found 10,000 ways that will 4not work.”2 To come up with a scientific breakthrough, rethink your goals. Consider what excites you and will make an impact, rather than simply focusing on staying within your lane and doing what is expected.
  2. Know when to take a break: When it comes to scientific research, there multiple challenges and no standard formula for success, which can be overwhelming. It is not uncommon for researchers to feel stuck in research projects – unsure of how to proceed. This frustration and inability to find answers may force several early career researchers to drop the study, but that can be counterproductive. If you’ve spent a lot of time focusing on the same issue, taking a break and doing something completely different can help. Find get comfortable with a book, indulge in some art or exercise, or just get some sleep and give your mind and body time to recharge. Distracting yourself from the problem and placing yourself in other environs, mentally and physically, can often help boost creative thinking.

To conclude, thinking creatively empowers you to identify interesting research topics, take on new challenges and find innovative solutions, and move you closer to success. We hope the simple tips provided above help you uncover the key to creativity. So take time to review your science, seek novel research topic ideas, and celebrate the possibilities that lie ahead.


  1. Siegel E. Sound data science – Avoiding the most pernicious prediction pitfall. Predictive Analytics, December 2016. [Accessed on Nov 2, 2022]. Available at https://pubsonline.informs.org/do/10.1287/orms.2016.06.11/full/
  2. Hendry E.R. 7 Epic Fails Brought to You By the Genius Mind of Thomas Edison. Smithsonian Magazine, November 2013. [Accessed on Nov 2, 2022]. Available at https://www.smithsonianmag.com/innovation/7-epic-fails-brought-to-you-by-the-genius-mind-of-thomas-edison-180947786/


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