Phrase search engine

How Phrase search engine can help you...

See your word <span>used in context</span>

See your word used in context

Search through thousands of high-impact articles to see how that word has been used in previously published manuscripts. Also works for phrases.

Think in <span>your own language</span>

Think in your own language

When English is not your native language, it can sometimes be hard to find the right word. No problem. Type in your own language and we'll translate the word for you.

Get the <span>correct word </span>

Get the correct word

Our dictionary has you covered. Get definitions or synonyms for millions of words as powered by Oxford English Dictionary.

Is it <span>'this' or 'that'?</span>

Is it 'this' or 'that'?

Sometimes it isn't obvious what the correct word or phrase is between two options. Type them both in and see their relevant frequencies in the literature

Which word <span>goes here?</span>

Which word goes here?

If you're unsure about which word to use, you can use a wildcard (asterisk) to let us find which words are most frequently used in that phrase

Not sure where to start?

Watch this introductory video to see how to search for words and phrases as used in the published literature.

This is why we do what we do!

Here’s what researchers have to say about Phrase search engine

Nour El Houda Benlakhdar

PhD candidate, University of Northampton, United Kingdom

"The first thing I love about it is how easy it is to use; a simple and beautiful interface is always important for me. The second thing I love is how the four tips (use *; vs; _) - which reflect why the website was built - always appear when I click on the search bar. The other thing I love is how the recent searches I made remain saved."

Yuji Higashide

Chief Scientist, Medical and Health Resources Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan & Senior Fellow, Medical and Health Resources Research Institute (MHRRI)

"I thought it was very nice to be able to compare words when I was not sure which word was better by the past manuscripts. This would be great for non-native researchers. It also provides better word advice regarding sentences, which could be used for word substitution"

Claudia Iacob

Teaching Assistant/PhD student, University of Bucharest, Romania

"As far as I could tell, Phrase search engine it's quite intuitive and easy to use. Also, my searches had good hits. I looked to translate some Romanian expressions into English and the translations were accurate. I really appreciated the synonyms function...helps a lot when writing manuscripts. :)"

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