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Educational and Psychological Measurement : Impact Factor & More

eISSN: 1552-3888pISSN: 0013-1644

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Aims and Scope

Educational and Psychological Measurement is a bimonthly peer-reviewed academic journal that covers the field of educational psychology. The journal's editor-in-chief is George A. Marcoulides (Univers... More

Educational and Psychological Measurement Key Metrics

Impact Factor
< 5

Topics Covered on Educational and Psychological Measurement

Exploratory factor analysis
Factor analysis
Objective structured clinical examination
Mixture model
Computerized adaptive testing
Measurement invariance
Criterion validity
Computer simulation
Latent variable model
Exponential family
Translation studies
Differential item functioning
Response time
Missing data
Effect size
Item pool

Educational and Psychological Measurement Journal Specifications

Indexed in the following public directories

  • Web of Science Web of Science
  • Scopus Scopus
Language English
Frequency Bi-monthly
See General Details

Recently Published Papers in Educational and Psychological Measurement

Educational and Psychological Measurement Year-wise Publication

FAQs on Educational and Psychological Measurement

How long has Educational and Psychological Measurement been actively publishing? expand

Educational and Psychological Measurement has been in operation since 1941 till date.

What is the publishing frequency of Educational and Psychological Measurement? expand

Educational and Psychological Measurement published with a Bi-monthly frequency.

How many articles did Educational and Psychological Measurement publish last year? expand

In 2024, Educational and Psychological Measurement publsihed 36 articles.

What is the eISSN & pISSN for Educational and Psychological Measurement? expand

For Educational and Psychological Measurement, eISSN is 1552-3888 and pISSN is 0013-1644.

What is Citescore for Educational and Psychological Measurement? expand

Citescore for Educational and Psychological Measurement is 4.8.

What is the H Index for Educational and Psychological Measurement ? expand

H Index for Educational and Psychological Measurement is 105.

What is SNIP score for Educational and Psychological Measurement? expand

SNIP score for Educational and Psychological Measurement is 2.26.

What is the SJR for Educational and Psychological Measurement? expand

SJR for Educational and Psychological Measurement is Q1.

Who is the publisher of Educational and Psychological Measurement? expand

SAGE PUBLICATIONS INC is the publisher of Educational and Psychological Measurement.