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Iranian Endodontic Journal : Impact Factor & More

eISSN: 2008-2746pISSN: 1735-7497
JournalOpen Access

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Iranian Endodontic Journal Key Metrics

Q2Dentistry (all)

Topics Covered on Iranian Endodontic Journal

Root canal
Anterior teeth
Calcium hydroxide
Field of view
Root canal morphology
Dens invaginatus
Postoperative pain
Systematic review
Cone beam computed tomography
Mineral trioxide aggregate
Bond strength
Calcium-enriched mixture cement
Sodium hypochlorite
Compressive strength
Enterococcus faecalis
Sodium perborate

Iranian Endodontic Journal Journal Specifications

Publisher Iranian Center for Endodontic Research
Language English
Article Processing ChargesUSD 450
Publication Time12
Editorial Review ProcessPeer review
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Website URLVisit website
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Other chargesVisit website
Publication Time 12
Editorial Review Detail
Editorial TeamVisit website
Review ProcessPeer review
Review UrlVisit website
Information for authors
Author instructionsVisit website
License typeCC BY-NC-SA
OA statementVisit website
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FAQs on Iranian Endodontic Journal

How many articles did Iranian Endodontic Journal publish last year? Faqs

In 2023, Iranian Endodontic Journal publsihed 40 articles.

What is the eISSN & pISSN for Iranian Endodontic Journal? Faqs

For Iranian Endodontic Journal, eISSN is 2008-2746 and pISSN is 1735-7497.

What is Citescore for Iranian Endodontic Journal? Faqs

Citescore for Iranian Endodontic Journal is 2.6.

What is SNIP score for Iranian Endodontic Journal? Faqs

SNIP score for Iranian Endodontic Journal is 0.7.

What is the SJR for Iranian Endodontic Journal? Faqs

SJR for Iranian Endodontic Journal is Q2.

Who is the publisher of Iranian Endodontic Journal? Faqs

Iranian Center for Endodontic Research is the publisher of Iranian Endodontic Journal.