CiteScore measures average citations received per document published in the serial.
Impact factor of a journal is calculated by dividing the number of current year citations to the source items published in that journal during the previous two years.
scite Index is the ratio of citations supporting research which is published in the journal to sum of citations either supporting or contrasting the research published in the journal for the same time period. Minimum 100 supporting citations required.
SCImago Journal Rank measures weighted citations received by the serial. Citation weighting depends on subject field and prestige (SJR) of the citing serial.
Source Normalized Impact per Paper measures actual citations received relative to citations expected for the serial’s subject field.
Based on turnaround time from submission to publication for papers (articles & reviews) published in 2022 and for journals with a sample of more than 10 papers.
Based on turnaround time from submission to publication for papers (articles & reviews) published in 2022 and for journals with a sample of more than 10 papers.
Indexed in the following public directories
Overview | |
Publisher | Springer Nature |
Language | English |
Frequency | Continuous publication |
Article Processing Charges | GBP 1690 | USD 2590 |
Publication Time | 17 |
Editorial Review Process | Blind peer review |
General Details | |
Language | English |
Society/Institute/Sponsor | International Society of Neurobiology and Psychopharmacology |
Frequency | Continuous publication |
Publication Start Year | 2002 |
Publisher URL | Visit website |
Website URL | Visit website |
Publication Details | |
Plagiarism | Visit website |
Waiver Policy | Visit website |
Publication Time | 17 |
Article Processing Charges | GBP 1690 | USD 2590 |
Editorial Review Detail | |
Editorial Team | Visit website |
Review Process | Blind peer review |
Review Url | Visit website |
Information for authors | |
Author instructions | Visit website |
Copyright Details | Visit website |
Deposit Policy | Sherpa/Romeo |
License type | CC BY, CC0 |
OA statement | Visit website |
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Annals of General Psychiatry has been in operation since 2002 till date.
Annals of General Psychiatry published with a Continuous publication frequency.
In 2024, Annals of General Psychiatry published 52 articles.
For Annals of General Psychiatry,eISSN is 1744-859X and pISSN is1744-859X.
Citescore for Annals of General Psychiatry is 4.
SNIP score for Annals of General Psychiatry is 1.
SJR for Annals of General Psychiatry is Q1.
Springer Nature is the publisher of Annals of General Psychiatry.